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Complete Beginners Guide to Mugen - Commissions Part 3 - Commissions Vs Profiteering

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Complete Beginners Guide to Mugen - Commissions Part 3 - Commissions Vs Profiteering RjBqV68
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Complete Beginners Guide to Mugen - Commissions Part 3 - Commissions Vs Profiteering 50271208882_8220f58317_o

In our last Commissions guide we covered Copyrights and the legality of Fan art and Intellectual property in MUGEN.
To move on, we will discuss our final controversial topic - Profiteering.

If you are a new Mugen community member, or are considering paying for a mugen commission, it is very important to understand the clear distinction between Commissions and profiteering.
By definition, Profiteering is the act of making a financial gain via unethical/illegal means.
So how does Profiteering occur in MUGEN you ask? Well lets find out.

Complete Beginners Guide to Mugen - Commissions Part 3 - Commissions Vs Profiteering SKFlnw3

Within the Mugen Community, Mugen profiteering is not accepted under any circumstances and is taken VERY seriously.
Although it is not a large problem in MUGEN, it still exists.
There are cases where some people attempt to parade profiteering scams as "commissions".
All Mugen community members should be aware of the difference between the two.

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MUGEN profiteering typically involves the "unethical" use of MUGEN content.
Mugen creators typically take their work very seriously, devoting 100s of hours creating content that is shared within the community for free.
Although there is no central MUGEN authority figure, the MUGEN community generally polices itself and operates in an ethical manner.
There has always been an unspoken mutual code of respect in the MUGEN community to promote the ethical use of MUGEN content:

- Respect each others work
- give credit where necessary
- ask permission when/where necessary
- Don't claim other peoples work as your own
- DON'T try make money off of somebody else's work.

We are not here to debate or discuss mugen ethics, however from reading this you can see how profiteering can be damaging to the community on multiple levels.

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Mugen profiteering comes in many shapes & forms.
Unlike a commission which implies the exchange of money for time and labor, Profiteering generally involves the physical sale of MUGEN content or underhanded incentive based sales tactics. The most common methods of MUGEN profiteering are:


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Providing misleading information in regards to the MUGEN content in order to capitalize on misinformed people outside the Mugen community is a simple example of profiteering.
 This involves a scammer using non-MUGEN web forums or social media platforms to sell/promote Mugen compilations as "exclusive games".
 These scams target people unaware of MUGEN or the fact is is a free to use/play engine.
 It may involve the unethical use of a fullgame compilation containing work from various creators without their knowledge/permission.
 Other rackets include pay-to-enter/prize-pool live events/tournaments involving MUGEN compilations promoted as "exclusive fighting games".
 They may attempt to sell content to members of the wider gaming community and marketing as their personal body of work.

Paywall Tactics

Complete Beginners Guide to Mugen - Commissions Part 3 - Commissions Vs Profiteering IrTFb6eComplete Beginners Guide to Mugen - Commissions Part 3 - Commissions Vs Profiteering XDxXUcm

A "Paywall" usually refers to using compulsory subscription services/premium membership tiers/registration fee systems as a payment wall between a user and content. Paying for access grants a user access to "Exclusive" content and downloads.

In the mugen community however, "Paywalling" more specifically refers to using a pay wall system to profiteer off Mugen creations/compilations thats are neither the original work of the scammer, nor have been used with permission from the original author/s.

(Note it is important to understand the difference here between Commission based work, crowd funding, and Pay Wall Scams.
A creator seeking renumeration/crowd funding for his OWN 100% original work/creations/commission is not unethical in comparison)

This form of profiteering is usually used by Mugen youtubers and Patreon/donation based sponsorship service account holders.
Paywall tactics involve methods such as directing people to private Discord servers containing download links, patreon accounts advertising membership tier systems with Mugen content downloads used as an incentive to donate X amount of money, and more.

A more traditional form of paywall tactics include Warehousing sites that hide any/all downloads behind adfly links/compulsory survey links to gain per-click revenue.

Between 1999 - 2021, 90% of the instances involving MUGEN pawall scams, involved compilations or adaptations of other creators work without their permission, and blatant direct sale of mugen content made using others intellectual property hence it is widely viewed as the most illegitimate form of mugen profiteering.


Complete Beginners Guide to Mugen - Commissions Part 3 - Commissions Vs Profiteering DH7rzFN

 Now much less common, but one of the oldest profiteering rackets.
 Scammers create mugen compilations from existing free downloadable mugen content and sell it as "Full games".
 They often take it a step further and use mole-boxing software to insert the entire mugen engine into an encrypted package to hide the fact it is made with mugen and redistribute it as a complete Game.
 Some scammers even heavily modify characters, screenpack design, and other content to market and sell the game as an appealing, official exclusive product.
 Examples of this would be the Bootleg Street Fighter/King Of Fighters/Dragon Ball Z PC Mugen full games that were allegedly sold in flea markets in Mainland China and South America during the mid 2000s.

DISCLAIMER: This topic is in no way, shape or form directed at any particular parties/individuals or members of the wider MUGEN community whatsoever.
Newagemugen is not interested/involved/responsible for any activity that occurs outside the jurisdiction of our forum/discord server.
We do not hold any personal opinion/grudge, and are not responsible for any parties that may have been involved in/are currently involved in unethical MUGEN activity/profiteering.
Any imagery or examples used here in explaining profiteering are purely for informational purposes only.

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