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You are free to use the forums again, however we advise you to please avoid irrelevant posting, posting repetitive text or emoticons,
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I don't know where to put it.
you normally people ( I troch normal people it's hard for me to write something. I'm disabled as a child.)
I only know that I write only I find it hard to write
This is an automated message to inform you that your Newagemugen Forums Account Ban has been removed by an administrator.
You are free to use the forums again, however we advise you to please avoid irrelevant posting, posting repetitive text or emoticons,
and try to give productive feedback and replies to posts on our forum.
Thank you again for visiting Newagemugen!
I don't know where to put it.
you normally people ( I troch normal people it's hard for me to write something. I'm disabled as a child.)
I only know that I write only I find it hard to write