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Mugen iceberg entries suggestions/explanation

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Mugen iceberg entries suggestions/explanation GlDVwFc
Death Note (Wood)
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So, a couple of days ago I found a couple of videos about icebergs charts related to Mugen, and I decided to make my own version, mixing up some aspects about the Icebergs that I saw and adding some information I thought would be useful, and make a YouTube video fully expaining. But I'm not very familiar with Mugen, so I wanted to ask more experienced Mugen fans for any ideas. If you have any, please tell me, and m also tell me their explanation too.

To anyone wondering what I have so far, these are the first 3 entries. I have a lot more, but I'll show them on a later date

  • Every copy of M.U.G.E.N is personalized: This is a semi-joke entry referencing one of the most famous iceberg charts ever, the Super Mario 64 iceberg. The SM64 entry references a conspiracy where many glitches and weird occurrences in the game can be explained by the fact that the game has an AI that manipulates the game to the players abilities and desires. Usually, on normal Icebergs, an entry like this would be at the very bottom, usually the very last entry, just like in the SM64 iceberg, however, since M.U.G.E.N entire purpose is to be personalized by the players, this entry is at the very top!

  • The main appeal of M.U.G.E.N is the crossover aspect: Since M.U.G.E.N allows players to create any character and stage, it’s no surprise that 90% of all content made in M.U.G.E.N is related to a copyrighted IP. This inadvertently, is the cause of M.U.G.E.N’s popularity, since most people will discover M.U.G.E.N by accident, will be attracted by the IPs that they like, and eventually try to create rosters with all the characters that they like. I myself found out about M.U.G.E.N thanks to a Sonic game using the engine.

  • No one knows what M.U.G.E.N stands for: If you didn’t notice already, M.U.G.E.N is an acronym. For what, however, nobody knows. On one hand, since the word “Mugen” in Japanese means “infinite”, which explains why the engine is called like that, and the dots are there just to make the engine’s title more “fancy” and don’t reflect any hidden acronym. Or it could be a coincidence, and the title really is an acronym. Personally, I think M.U.G.E.N stands for “Multiplayer User Generated Engine for Nerds”.



Mugen iceberg entries suggestions/explanation Ya01log
Survivor (Gold)
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Death Note (Wood)
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Ive seen many mugen icebergs but none ever cover all the real mysteries of mugen.
From what i hear, this website and its founders and the older members here that make all those private screenpacks and characters are an entire iceberg in themselves.

Mugen iceberg entries suggestions/explanation Screen10



Mugen iceberg entries suggestions/explanation GlDVwFc
Death Note (Wood)
Created Your first Forum Topic

Dragonzoidlexus wrote:Ive seen many mugen icebergs but none ever cover all the real mysteries of mugen.
From what i hear, this website and its founders and the older members here that make all those private screenpacks and characters are an entire iceberg in themselves.

I could make an entry about this. Could you give me more details about it?

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Mugen iceberg entries suggestions/explanation Wcz4RWt
Kindred Spirit (Bronze)
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Yeah there is definitely alot of unknown history about this place.
I know that most of the popular creators that made the best screenpacks and visual contents back in the old days were all originally from here.
Ex Shadow and Noz are probably the creators most casual fans will know about but theres so many more

Mugen iceberg entries suggestions/explanation Wk02Hys

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