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How to return winquotes into mugenic Mortal Kombat and MKP?

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Uni Oken

Uni Oken

How to return winquotes into mugenic Mortal Kombat and MKP? Ya01log
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I am an ardent fan of winquotes in the CNS files (as they is), and I heavily miss them in mugenic 1.0 Mortal Kombat games, mugenic 1.1b Mortal Kombat games, and finally, in the Mortal Kombat Project games.

Seems that winquotes were cut out from them (in all the three cases) even at the software level!

I do know that the original (official, not-mugenic) MK games had no winquotes, unlike Street Fighter for example. But... if I badly want winquotes (and the Victory Screen as it is) in the three said kinds of mugenic MK games..... can that be done by some means? What to write/edit, and in what exact file?

Was verified: the simple returning of the "Victory screen" definition into the "system.def" file... won't work.

Just something wrong with the offset??? Or there are even some artificial software obstacles that stop these game from having winquotes? If the latter, so how to disable the said obstacles?

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