Happy New year peoples!
I hope y'all had a good christmas holiday and break and stuff, and most importantly, got some time away from the internet and games and all the social media crap that keeps your brain on dripfeed lol!
I sure did have a good break, away, travelling, catching up with friends and family overseas I havent seen in a long time, also taking time away from technology and getting grounded and reconnected to the more important things in life. I hope you all did similar!
Lmk what you all did over the holidays, or what your big plans are for the 2k23!
I hope y'all had a good christmas holiday and break and stuff, and most importantly, got some time away from the internet and games and all the social media crap that keeps your brain on dripfeed lol!
I sure did have a good break, away, travelling, catching up with friends and family overseas I havent seen in a long time, also taking time away from technology and getting grounded and reconnected to the more important things in life. I hope you all did similar!
Lmk what you all did over the holidays, or what your big plans are for the 2k23!