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PIZZA KID Demo - 2D beat-em-up set in a dark sci-fantasy world

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O Ilusionista

O Ilusionista

PIZZA KID Demo - 2D beat-em-up set in a dark sci-fantasy world 49283912532_cb9be7ddac_o
Kindred Spirit (Bronze)
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★★Dark Master Of Fists★★
Newagemugen Member for over 10 Years

Kidd Games presents: PIZZA KIDD (ピザキッド) an all new, stylish, combat driven 2-D beat-em-up set in a dark sci-fantasy world—featuring uniquely drawn 16-bit pixel art with an aesthetic heavily inspired by 90's anime, graphic novels, and quarter munching arcade brawlers.

PIZZA KID Demo - 2D beat-em-up set in a dark sci-fantasy world Pk-600px-all-new-steam-02

It's the year 22XX... rampant infectious disease and viral contagions have wiped out nearly 2/3 of all living organisms on earth (humans, animals, insects, vegetation, etc). Santos Corps., the most powerful agriculture research and animal food cloning facility in the world, has used its (government funded) state of the art technology to experiment with de-extinction, all while providing decades of manufactured food and water treatment for what’s left of the remaining population. Many years later, both humans and animals began experiencing adverse and horrific side-effects… transforming into the most grotesque monstrosities ever imagined… And now the decimated city of Filadelfia—home to Angela's World Famous Pizzeria—is overrun by hordes of menacing monsters and at the epicenter of chaos.

PIZZA KID Demo - 2D beat-em-up set in a dark sci-fantasy world Santos-corps-pizza-kidd-steam

• custom designed combat system, featuring fast & responsive attack moves, light air juggling and lengthy chain combos
• 2D single plane, side scroll action with an expansive level / stage design
• unique special attacks, using a variety of (fighting game) motion inputs
• gorgeous hand drawn pixel art in a 16-bit comic style: illustrated environments, large sprites and a variety of exuberant visual fx
• tailored sound design to provide players w/ crunchy arcade style impact hits
• authentic Japanese voice acting w/ fantastically composed music soundtrack by Kevin Ripley

Preview and download:

PIZZA KID Demo - 2D beat-em-up set in a dark sci-fantasy world HcGzIrB
Avengers game demo is out:

-Metal SK- likes this post

-Metal SK-

-Metal SK-

PIZZA KID Demo - 2D beat-em-up set in a dark sci-fantasy world 49241500477_6b04bc7f46_o
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it's a really awesome looking game!
The soundtrack sounds very interesting too
Thanks for letting me know about this!
It reminds me of an old sega genesis game I used to play.
What platforms is it available on?

PIZZA KID Demo - 2D beat-em-up set in a dark sci-fantasy world 5a600110_800x600

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O Ilusionista

O Ilusionista

PIZZA KID Demo - 2D beat-em-up set in a dark sci-fantasy world 49283912532_cb9be7ddac_o
Kindred Spirit (Bronze)
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★★Dark Master Of Fists★★
Newagemugen Member for over 10 Years

-Metal SK- wrote:it's a really awesome looking game!
The soundtrack sounds very interesting too
Thanks for letting me know about this!
It reminds me of an old sega genesis game I used to play.
What platforms is it available on?

According with the Steam page, it's available for windows and mac

Filthy Fredo

Filthy Fredo

PIZZA KID Demo - 2D beat-em-up set in a dark sci-fantasy world 51631106195_34e64106bd_o
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these kind of games is always fun but it should be like final fight game where you can walk up and down direction not only left and right direction on the screen

The Cosmic frog will get you!
PIZZA KID Demo - 2D beat-em-up set in a dark sci-fantasy world JABb8Bu
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PIZZA KID Demo - 2D beat-em-up set in a dark sci-fantasy world 49283912532_cb9be7ddac_o
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Love the game's style. Can never have too many beat em ups

Knighted Palettus, maximus the 3rd

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