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I have a problem creating a character skill, please help :c

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I have a problem creating a character skill, please help :c 49283851498_0631820187_o
Death Note (Wood)
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Hello everyone, my nickname is Dontuatua but my real name is Flavio (I don't pretend to be anonymous). This is my first publication. Lately I've become interested in this world of MUGEN again; especially in character creation. I am not a computer scientist but I am an amateur with a lot of dedication to learn  study . I tell you my problem so as not to bore you  What a Face .

I use Fighter Factory 3 (FF3) program to create my chars and i have most of it finished but I'm having problems with some skill sprites. As the most informed know, when you make a skill animation and you run the char in MUGEN, the program hide color black by default, something like this

I have a problem creating a character skill, please help :c 9Zv0fpgm I have a problem creating a character skill, please help :c 3l6sROqm (I know they are not the same sprites)

I want to make a black skill and i know the FF3 offers an option, this is select "subtraction" in the animation apart.
I have a problem creating a character skill, please help :c HA9qbENm

but this option is not what i want. i want to make a skill with range of greys something like this
I have a problem creating a character skill, please help :c 8hLvQrVm

whether I choose the option "subtraction" or not the game hide the color black and greys in this specific sprite and only show the white border of sprite ( idont know why)

I really want to know if is possible to change that color for hide by default. I think it has nothing to do with the color palette of the sprites (i use format .pcx in my sprites).

Please If someone knows how to do black skills withour use the "subtraction" option, it would help me a lot. crying . I want to share my chars in this forum  What a Face .



I have a problem creating a character skill, please help :c 49283912532_cb9be7ddac_o
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sometimes the answer is more simple than it seems.
One thing about mugen often overlooked is that it is only 40% about coding.
the other 60% is graphics and spriting skills and that area of knowledge.
The easiest way is to actually create the graphics for the effect sprites you require rather than try use coding to manipulate the appearance of the ones you already have.
To do that however is not exactly something that can be taught.
It requires knowledge of digital editing and graphic design and those types of skills, and also knowledge of special software programs that are made for digital image editing and things like that.

I have a problem creating a character skill, please help :c FXzcO3r


I have a problem creating a character skill, please help :c 49283851498_0631820187_o
Death Note (Wood)
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Survivor (Silver)
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SuperWhiskey wrote:sometimes the answer is more simple than it seems.
One thing about mugen often overlooked is that it is only 40% about coding.
the other 60% is graphics and spriting skills and that area of knowledge.
The easiest way is to actually create the graphics for the effect sprites you require rather than try use coding to manipulate the  appearance of the ones you already have.
To do that however is not exactly something that can be taught.
It requires knowledge of digital editing and graphic design and those types of skills, and also knowledge of special software programs that are made for digital image editing and things like that.

It's good that you mention it. Most of the knowledge I have is about design and not so much about coding. That's why I opened the topic. I recognize that maybe it was not very specific, but I suspect that something in the encoding generates the transparency of the black color.
Maybe it's this:.

[State 0, Trans]
type = Trans
trigger1 = 1
trans = add

In any case, I consider that knowledge is important and demands time; That is why I am willing to learn from those who know more than me.



I have a problem creating a character skill, please help :c 49283912532_cb9be7ddac_o
★★Dark Master Of Fists★★
Newagemugen Member for over 10 Years
Kindred Spirit (Gold)
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Apple Of The Eye (Platinum)
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Heaven's Door (Silver)
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Usually free help is not easy to find for these such things so it is usually handled by commissions.
There are many mugen coders but not so many mugen coders who are also experts in graphic design in sprite editing, because that is a universal skill used by all game devs and artists not just mugen, so it is usually done by commissions.
It is rare that graphic designers will pass on their skills for free in reality as it is many years of study and practice to achieve it.
But there are options for commissions which many people come here for in our commissions section

I have a problem creating a character skill, please help :c FXzcO3r

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