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[Commission Request]Ghost in the Shell: Title revamped!

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[Commission Request]Ghost in the Shell: Title revamped! OjtZ7W5
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Hellos everyone, he here something that I been wanting to do for a minute now. This is a thread specifically, addressing a revamp of my old screen pack, Ghost in the shell. I have created two versions, one base of the original 1995 animated movie. The other GitS two, based upon the animated series stand alone complex. Which first aired in 2002. Ok just going to make this a simple a

Images of what I would like, animation if possible would be the main portion of it. The spinning animations in the back ground. This is the stand alone complex game from the ps2, the pal version.

Basically if this could be recreated close to the source, it would be much appreciated. The native screen size and so on, old be like for the current project battlecry. Early development of the first screen pack.

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The second image is the elect from the second screen pack. But I only have a still image of The see t screen at least. I have all original stuff to lazy to unpack unzip upload upload…….lol Modds please insert the right code for the videos and



[Commission Request]Ghost in the Shell: Title revamped! 52697050446_f068e68a44_o
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Ooh this is the notorious GITS remake you mentioned pirate
My likey! Me likey a lot🐉.
All the OG NAM and Clubsyn SPS are being reborn one by one XD.
Just a few questions my brotharino in tha shellarino lol
1. You said you wanted the title intro in a new resolution like battle cry.
So what resolution are you wanting? 1080p or 720p? mentioned some select screen related stuff. Do you want other stuff aswell as the title?
Fill me in on the details and let’s dissect this Twisted Evil Twisted Evil

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[Commission Request]Ghost in the Shell: Title revamped! OjtZ7W5
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1. Ok the title screen like the pl version of the game. That has the spinning animation in the back ground, along with the faded animated hex if possible. The res will be the 720p.

2. Yes the select can match the title screen. Just a upgrade from the materials I used. This was created for good old mugen and later converted to mugen 1.0. Now I’m curious what we can bake with 1.1, since with can go all out on textures and so on.
3. I will send you both sp, to give you a technical glacé of what you think.

I know this will stretch my But I love good quality stuff, still not able to produce a decent workshop. I refused to work from my current laptop, which is pretty decent. I’m just old school like that, hey I really thinking of letting Syn build me one from scratch. Once I get my coins right, the man is a beast with it.

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[Commission Request]Ghost in the Shell: Title revamped! 52697050446_f068e68a44_o
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ahhhhhh ok ok ok i get it now sensei.
At first when you posted on discord, I thought you were just after a logo remake.
But you goin full force and want a select screen too Twisted Evil

I gotchu now. Well you know nothings impossible and this one unlike our big boi Battlecry, is a relatively small task as its only 2 screens compared to the whole thang lol.

Alright i gotchu on this one.
So basically what we would do would be:
1. Youd send through the existing old 640x480 mugen 1.0 SP
2. Id import it over to mugen 1.1 and change the resolution to 720p mode
3. Create and import the new logo.def/.sff and new select screen system.def/.sff

And i assume from there you would do your thang with the rest, like lifebars and other screens that will need a 720p update otherwise the only HD things in the whole SP will be the Intro and the Select screen lol.

I shall review your video samples and see whats involved here on my return my brotha

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[Commission Request]Ghost in the Shell: Title revamped! OjtZ7W5
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Yes, that's what I need. I just got home, working on finding the files on my old Lap. lol Mediafire deleted all my stuff, talking about update the account for more space or lose all your files. Guess I missed the memo. Here are more pics of the 1.0 version of the pack. I will have the needed files to you asap, as I get them. Funny story is I need to update the link here, from the legacy collection section. Good thing I was able to find that out. We will not have, any dead links here. lol I was blown away that this was created in I have to update all links, but we shall see some magic from me. I have to do this, to much yayo invested into this stuff. lol Cannot Unsee




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[Commission Request]Ghost in the Shell: Title revamped! 52697050446_f068e68a44_o
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haha that sounds like a plan my partner in evil Twisted Evil
Yeah, I was going to mention to you that the old links are all down for your old stuff - you really should reupload them and update the links for the nostalgia.
I would definitely like to have a working copy of the old screenpacks - my first task of course would be transplanting the one you want to use as a base into Mugen 1.1
And then from there, we can begin to analyse the finer details of this juicy project.

I am curious about something else however:

1. Because you are updating only the Intro.def/Intro.sff to 720p, and the Select screen to 720p,
What are you going to do about the rest of the screenpack (lifebars/main menu etc)?

I only ask because, when you change the mugen.cfg resolution from 640x480 to 1280x720p, it means that the whole game will get affected by the new sizing.

Which means that although we are making a new select screen and intro.def, everything else will look very very small or distorted by the new resolution.
i am guessing you have future plans for those other parts of the screenpack in the future?

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[Commission Request]Ghost in the Shell: Title revamped! 52697050446_f068e68a44_o
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Heey Big Man, I just got your PM - Thought it would be better to keep all the chat in one place lol. so we can follow the progress lol.

Now just to clarify a few things RE your msg:

Grayfox wrote:Just show me how much I can improve upon them.

Gits: S.A.C winmugen engine

Gits 1.0 mugen engine

So if you could give me a rough draft maybe with the title screen would look like,. Yet I will combine the two into one. If that make any sense, please let me know your thoughts man.

So I have a few questions just to make sure we are both talking the same language here lol.

1. Regarding this job, you mentioned drafts and showing you how you can improve them.
   Were you still wanting to commission the 720p title screen and select screen as previously discussed, or are you now thinking of doing it yourself?

2. Initially you mentioned one needing 1 title screen, and one select screen.
I am guessing this is because your plan is to combine these 2 screenpacks together into Mugen 1.1?

2.Regarding a draft etc, we dont really do drafts around here lol.
The reason for this is 2 things. The first reason being that, the time and workload it takes to create a draft mockup, is basically the same as actually making the whole thing, so isnt really needed.
The second reason being, as long as you can provide examples of what you require, and sample images showing existing designs you like (same as what we did with planning battlecry) it is easy on this end to just make to your specifications and bypass the drafting lol.

Hit me back on those 2 pointers and we can continue talking turkey lol.
Files are downloading as we speak. You should add them to your download section to and fix the links for the OG fans

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[Commission Request]Ghost in the Shell: Title revamped! OjtZ7W5
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Yes I agree, didn't know what I was thinking lol Drafts are not acceptable for what we are doing here. I still would like the title and select screen, as I talk about before. I'm will pist the schematics, of what I thinking later today. Also, fix my links for the fans. They will enjoy a blast from the

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[Commission Request]Ghost in the Shell: Title revamped! 52697050446_f068e68a44_o
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Oh most definitely my brotherino!
Well mostly regarding the select screen, what kind of details you want, and as many screen shots, images and sample footage as possible showing
1.How many slots you want on the select for chars

2.If theres any particular real game select screens you like the look of that you want to use for inspiration, or if you just want the old style one from either screenpack remade with updated sexier gfx and new effects, thats also doable for sure! just need the very fine details so I can cook uyou the exact Ghost hamburger you want.

3. Also will need to know what size portraits you want and if you want normal or custom portraits - you know what im talking about by now lol

4. Also for the title intro animation, I watched the videos, and you said something about
Grayfox wrote:animation if possible would be the main portion of it. The spinning animations in the back ground. This is the stand alone complex game from the ps2, the pal version.
I had a quick look at the playthrough but I couldn't really see which part you were referring to so youll need to show me which part, or tell me what time in the video it appears so I can study it.

No rush big man, just build all of your detailed wish list of all the bells and whistles you need and then we can get down to the nitty gritty.
What ever your needs, we can do to perfection Dat behind Twisted Evil

But for now I shall take my leave and return Next week to continue with Battlecry D ranks and see what extra data you were able to find for me Cheesin

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[Commission Request]Ghost in the Shell: Title revamped! OjtZ7W5
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Yes, I will post the fine details asap. Don’t want to be a party Battlecry is on my mind, along with git’s I need to draw this out and pice together the detailed build of what, I’m No pressure.

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[Commission Request]Ghost in the Shell: Title revamped! 49241500477_6b04bc7f46_o
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oh i remember this, now i realised who you are!
Yes Grayfox! I remember downloading your screenpacks for Mugen 1.0 a loooong time ago.
They were great!
(i was actually registered here since a long time ago when the forum looked very different but i was away from mugen on irl matters and just other interests).

So you are remaking this? Or having someone remake it?
That sounds so exciting!
I cant wait to see some nostalgic material i can relate to get reborn!

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[Commission Request]Ghost in the Shell: Title revamped! 52117799409_ab650ff4e9_o
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This sounds interesting!
I remember your oold screenpacks back in the day, they served me well sir indeedio
Can I be a dectective conan and ask if this is an open commission or a personal WIP? u wot m8?

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[Commission Request]Ghost in the Shell: Title revamped! 51240524370_550aa649d1_o
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so is this the next big remake?
I look forward to seeing this develop if it is still a project?

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[Commission Request]Ghost in the Shell: Title revamped! 49241500477_6b04bc7f46_o
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This would be a kick ass screenpack!
I would love to see it remade

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[Commission Request]Ghost in the Shell: Title revamped! OjtZ7W5
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Just making good on the announcement, I have not forgotten about Just reading this, due to the other festivities going on. The real fun is about to Remakes if done right, can be a real hitter. Stay tuned my friends. The best is yet to come.

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