this topic is not a joke!(it could have been!i know...but be focus!).although i have a roster of characters who are very hard to beat! so i make up my mind to give them a "symptom" so you have this code
that 's all! have fun !
soon we will need a vaccine lol!
this topic is not a joke!(it could have been!i know...but be focus!).although i have a roster of characters who are very hard to beat! so i make up my mind to give them a "symptom" so you have this code
- Code:
in statedef -2
[State -2, virus du covid19]
type = LifeAdd
triggerall = !winko && AIlevel
triggerall = roundstate!=3 && time<40 && alive
triggerall = roundstate!=1
trigger1 = 1
trigger1 = random=[99,250]
value = - (ceil(lifemax*0.001) + floor((time/10)))
kill = 1
absolute = 0
persistent = 4 ; you can delete this line if you want that this symptom is more serious! or rise the number for frequency less often
or this variant 2 is less infected!
[State -2, virus du covid19 variant 2]
type = LifeAdd
triggerall = !winko && AILEVEL
triggerall = roundstate!=3 && time<40 && alive
triggerall = roundstate!=1
trigger1 = 1
trigger1 = random=[59,150]
value = - floor((ceil(lifemax*0.001) + floor((time/10)))/2)
kill = 1
absolute = 0
persistent = random%10 ; you can delete this line if you want that this symptom is more serious! or rise the number for frequency less often
also to go further again
you can add a changestate in state 0 or 20 or 21 in common.cns ( walk state, standing state, maybe run state)
type = changestate
triggerall = !winko && AILEVEL
triggerall = roundstate!=3 && time>=30 && alive
triggerall = roundstate!=1
trigger1 = ctrl && random<random%300
trigger2 = ctrl && life< lifemax*0.01
value = ifelse(random<350,5002,5000)
persistent =5
it will simulate a sickness!!!
that 's all! have fun !
soon we will need a vaccine lol!
Last edited by shin danzey on Wed Feb 02, 2022 2:02 pm; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : new details!)