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Beterhans Fighter Factory Studio Alpha Channel Option error

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Beterhans Fighter Factory Studio Alpha Channel Option error 49283912532_cb9be7ddac_o
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I cannot access Alpha the Channel Option in advanced Palette editor like the Beterhans tutorial.

Here is screenshots showing I followed all correct steps.
I am using his character to even prove it isnt working inside it.

Error message when I install Fighter Factory studio
Beterhans Fighter Factory Studio Alpha Channel Option error YM5fwk9

So I even reinstall all Microsoft VC Redistributable latest official Windows wesbite versions
Beterhans Fighter Factory Studio Alpha Channel Option error OW4Fs2D

Char is 1.1 version
Beterhans Fighter Factory Studio Alpha Channel Option error A6rk8Af

SFF is version
Beterhans Fighter Factory Studio Alpha Channel Option error N0DsS0A

Using Native Painter
Beterhans Fighter Factory Studio Alpha Channel Option error HMbH1BY

I select mask color on his character (he already did it but i am just showing the example)
Beterhans Fighter Factory Studio Alpha Channel Option error 4gOMW4q

The Alpha channel option i cannot see
Beterhans Fighter Factory Studio Alpha Channel Option error O5ED95X

Why does it not appear for me?
I tried 3.6 and 3.5 versions



Beterhans Fighter Factory Studio Alpha Channel Option error 42463946061_c82f3ae03a_o
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Try re-download the FF 3.6?

Beterhans Fighter Factory Studio Alpha Channel Option error Pasted10

Beterhans Fighter Factory Studio Alpha Channel Option error Pasted11

Install the VC++ 2017 1st
install ff 3.6 later



Beterhans Fighter Factory Studio Alpha Channel Option error 52697050446_f068e68a44_o
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Shakti, your problem isnt to do with the visual C or ff studio.
You arent selecting the palette properly.
You have to click on each individual colour in the palette to access the alpha option.

What you are doing wrong is trying to access mask for more than one color at once

Beterhans Fighter Factory Studio Alpha Channel Option error 39617182812_da9b58ffc9_o



Beterhans Fighter Factory Studio Alpha Channel Option error 42463946061_c82f3ae03a_o
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I think Phant0mD is right

don;t select any color just double click a single color
don't use mask



Beterhans Fighter Factory Studio Alpha Channel Option error 49283912532_cb9be7ddac_o
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😭😭you're right😭😭
Thats what i was doing wrong.
I gave meself a headache but now its working great!
Thank you so much both of you for the great advice and cool tutorials xxx

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