In part one we showed you how to easily add images and videos in your forum posts. Now we will share with you our guidelines on how to post releases and share your projects in the universally accepted format with in the mugen community.
To start off, lets late a look at an example of a mugen creation release that currently exists on our forum:
Screenpack release post example
To start off, lets late a look at an example of a mugen creation release that currently exists on our forum:
Screenpack release post example
As you can see from this example, all of the following vital information has been provided.The key things to include in your post are:
- Use the correct post tag (thats the colored little box things that look like this at the top of your text window etc
- always use this, and ONLY this post title naming pattern: CREATION NAME by AUTHORNAME/S (Date)
- Add the videos/images relating to your content.
you don't need to have both but you must have either images or videos so other members can see the content
- add general info: creation name, release date, mugen version, resolution, and author
- Add any additional information such as features, credits (if you used other peoples resources or want to thank anyone who helped you)
- If you update it in future, you can also return to the original post and add the update information into the same post
- Add the download link : it is ok to offsite link to your homepage or the YouTube page containing the link if you so desire.