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So who are the top 10 overall mugen content creators these days?

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So who are the top 10 overall mugen content creators these days? 51937087073_50975dcb2f_o
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Just a question I am curious of.
And i'm specifically talking about creators which have design skill aswell as coding skill.
Not creators that just have alot of content - the ones who make well coded and well designed content with high quality standards.
An example would be the screenpack maker Devon, or my bro Phantom with fingers in every pie, or Mr Infinite, Redhot and Jmorphman ecetera.
So who are you guys's top picks?

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Vermilion Spy

Vermilion Spy

So who are the top 10 overall mugen content creators these days? 51937087073_50975dcb2f_o
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It's still preference based. That will never change.
Veteran creators will praise other veteran creators, newer creators will praise newer creators.
Ultimately you will never get a straight answer from anybody because the creator of your favorite content will always be considered the best.
Myself personally, as far as characters go, I couldn't answer.
But as far as screenpacks go, based on pure statistics - by default, Noz AKA the Warzone/Legacy SP maker.

For stages, veterans will say EX Shadow purely based on quantity and the comparitive quality of the time.
Ask me personally I would say an anybody from this forum - I haven't seen any stage creators on other forums that stand out in either quality or quantity.

So who are the top 10 overall mugen content creators these days? 39750191021_f709bd611c_o

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So who are the top 10 overall mugen content creators these days? 49283912532_cb9be7ddac_o
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I don't really know how to answer that one but characters my favorite is mr ansatsuken

stages is the ????????, exshadow or you guys!

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So who are the top 10 overall mugen content creators these days? 52117799409_ab650ff4e9_o
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Top 10?

In no specific order,

Mr Infinite
Race Akira
number 9

It's more of an all-time list because i know that now days its more about the anime characters and not the old school KOF characters

So who are the top 10 overall mugen content creators these days? P21sO8E

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So who are the top 10 overall mugen content creators these days? 2GPpdMR
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Well, this is a though one... in my opinion, there are lots of things to consider in order to be called content creator.

Some of the characteristics I look after when I see M.U.G.E.N. content are: originality, creativity, hability and last but not least, their humbleness.

I can get on and on, but here is my list of the Top 10 creators in not a significant order:

1. NMario64 (aka Sheng Long)
2. Caddie
3. Duck@SSFarm (aka Synck)
4. Oldgamer
5. Wodash
6. Aztek God
7. Waruzaki
8. Vegaz
9. P.O.T.S.
10. Basara-Kun

(There is 2 other creators that for a particular reason do not got into the list, but they deserve to be mentioned, Shammaomega & Chuchoryu. And also a big shout out to EXShadow.)

I'm looking forward to know about all of you guys picks. Have a great day!



So who are the top 10 overall mugen content creators these days? 51937087073_50975dcb2f_o
Kindred Spirit (Gold)
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Vermilion Spy wrote:It's still preference based. That will never change.
Veteran creators will praise other veteran creators, newer creators will praise newer creators.
Ultimately you will never get a straight answer from anybody because the creator of your favorite content will always be considered the best.

I guess you're right. Preference based so there will nver be an unbiased answer i guess.

HekuttaSaint wrote:[color=#ffff00]

1. NMario64 (aka Sheng Long)
2. Caddie
3. Duck@SSFarm (aka Synck)
4. Oldgamer
5. Wodash
6. Aztek God
7. Waruzaki
8. Vegaz
9. P.O.T.S.
10. Basara-Kun

(There is 2 other creators that for a particular reason do not got into the list, but they deserve to be mentioned, Shammaomega & Chuchoryu. And also a big shout out to EXShadow.)

I'm looking forward to know about all of you guys picks. Have a great day!

Hmm, apart from Warusaki and POTs I would say the rest of those entries are debatable as being best of all time - main reason being most of those creators mentioned never continued making content for 1.1 and only made low resolution legacy content.
Some of them I havent actually heard of either

Vermilion Spy

Vermilion Spy

So who are the top 10 overall mugen content creators these days? 51937087073_50975dcb2f_o
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Hekutta saint's list further proves the point i made initially that it will always be personal preference based.
If you are an older/retired mugen creator and have not been following the progression or micro-advancements of creation in the community then you will be only ever able to compare or measure based on what you know.

In saying that, if the scope of your question changed to "best based on XXX" then the list could indeed be narrowed down to a handful of very specific creators.

So who are the top 10 overall mugen content creators these days? 39750191021_f709bd611c_o



So who are the top 10 overall mugen content creators these days? 52117799409_ab650ff4e9_o
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Well, not necessarily on the buyist thing.
See I am a KOF character fan at heart and as you can see, my list didnt contain any of the KOF heavyweights. Most of them aren't anything to be considered in a mugen top tier by any means. of course a few kof character makers have contributed alot to mugen but overall theres nobody that comes to mind as overall the best or anything. Some older creators like Jin and Ahuron and maybe Ikaruga are up there because they laid basis for many edits to this day. I guess Zelgadis would fit that category and maybe Kotori for his wild edits

So who are the top 10 overall mugen content creators these days? P21sO8E

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