So to go into detail on the issue I'm having, it's regarding this move called Dead Spike from the Blazblue series. It's used by the main character Ragna The Bloodedge, so what's going on is that I coded the move using a Helper, but when I finished coding it the actual sprite/animation of the projectile wasn't showing up. Not sure if I did something wrong here. Any help would be appreciated.
; Dead Spike
; CNS difficulty: easy
[Statedef 1000]
type = S
movetype= A
physics = S
juggle = 4
velset = 0,0
ctrl = 0
sprpriority = 0
poweradd = 25
anim = 1000
[State 0, PlaySnd]
type = PlaySnd
trigger1 = animelem = 2
value = S0,7
[State 0, PlaySnd]
type = PlaySnd
trigger1 = animelem = 19
value = S0,7
[State 0, Sheath]
type = Explod
trigger1 = animelem = 2
anim = 10000
ID = 10000
pos = 6.667,-70.000
postype = p1 ;p2,front,back,left,right
facing = 1
vfacing = 1
bindtime = 1
vel = 0,0
accel = 0,0
random = 0,0
removetime = -2
pausemovetime = 0
scale = 0.11,0.11
sprpriority = 2
ontop = 0
shadow = 0,0,0
ownpal = 0
removeongethit = 0
;ignorehitpause =
;trans =
persistent = 0
;supermove = 0
;pausemove = 0
[State 0, Sheath]
type = Explod
trigger1 = animelem = 19
anim = 10000
ID = 10000
pos = 6.667,-70.000
postype = p1 ;p2,front,back,left,right
facing = 1
vfacing = 1
bindtime = 1
vel = 0,0
accel = 0,0
random = 0,0
removetime = -2
pausemovetime = 0
scale = 0.11,0.11
sprpriority = 2
ontop = 0
shadow = 0,0,0
ownpal = 0
removeongethit = 0
;ignorehitpause =
;trans =
persistent = 0
;supermove = 0
;pausemove = 0
[State 0, Helper]
type = Helper
trigger1 = animelem = 11
name = "Dead Spike"
ID = 1010
stateno = 1010
pos = 64,-12
postype = p1 ;p2,front,back,left,right
facing = 1
ownpal = 1
supermovetime = 0
pausemovetime = 0
;size.xscale =
;size.yscale =
;size.ground.back =
;size.ground.front =
;size.air.back =
;size.air.front =
;size.height =
;size.proj.doscale =
;size.head.pos = ,
;size.mid.pos = ,
;size.shadowoffset =
;ignorehitpause =
;persistent =
;[State 0, LifeAdd]
type = LifeAdd
triggerall = var(42) = 0
trigger1 = movecontact
value = 200
kill = 0
absolute = 1
ignorehitpause = 1
persistent = 0
[State 1000, 5]
type = ChangeState
trigger1 = AnimTime = 0
value = 0
ctrl = 1
; Dead Spike (Helper)
; CNS difficulty: easy
[Statedef 1010]
type = S
movetype= A
physics = S
velset = 4,0
sprpriority = 0
anim = 1010
[State 1010, 1]
type = HitDef
trigger1 = !movecontact
attr = S, SP ;Attribute: Standing, Normal Attack
damage = 300, 0 ;Damage that move inflicts, guard damage
animtype = Light ;Animation type: Light, Medium, Heavy, Back (def: Light)
guardflag = MA ;Flags on how move is to be guarded against
hitflag = MAF ;Flags of conditions that move can hit
priority = 3, Hit ;Attack priority: 0 (least) to 7 (most), 4 default
;Hit/Miss/Dodge type (Def: Hit)
pausetime = 0, 8 ;Time attacker pauses, time opponent shakes
sparkno = s1011 ;Spark anim no (Def: set above)
sparkxy = -10, -76 ;X-offset for the "hit spark" rel. to p2,
;Y-offset for the spark rel. to p1
hitsound = 5, 0 ;Sound to play on hit
guardsound = 6, 0 ;Sound to play on guard
ground.type = High ;Type: High, Low, Trip (def: Normal)
ground.slidetime = 2 ;Time that the opponent slides back
ground.hittime = 15 ;Time opponent is in hit state
ground.velocity = -2.5 ;Velocity at which opponent is pushed
airguard.velocity = -1.9,-.8 ;Guard velocity in air (def: (air.xvel*1.5, air.yvel/2))
air.type = High ;Type: High, Low, Trip (def: same as ground.type)
air.velocity = -1.4,-3 ;X-velocity at which opponent is pushed,
;Y-velocity at which opponent is pushed
air.hittime = 12 ;Time before opponent regains control in air
[State 1010, ChangeState]
type = ChangeState
trigger1 = movecontact
value = 1011
ignorehitpause = 1
; Dead Spike (Splash)
[Statedef 1011]
movetype = I
physics = N
velset = 0,0
sprpriority = 2
anim = 1011
[State 0, DestroySelf]
type = DestroySelf
trigger1 = !animtime
; Dead Spike
; CNS difficulty: easy
[Statedef 1000]
type = S
movetype= A
physics = S
juggle = 4
velset = 0,0
ctrl = 0
sprpriority = 0
poweradd = 25
anim = 1000
[State 0, PlaySnd]
type = PlaySnd
trigger1 = animelem = 2
value = S0,7
[State 0, PlaySnd]
type = PlaySnd
trigger1 = animelem = 19
value = S0,7
[State 0, Sheath]
type = Explod
trigger1 = animelem = 2
anim = 10000
ID = 10000
pos = 6.667,-70.000
postype = p1 ;p2,front,back,left,right
facing = 1
vfacing = 1
bindtime = 1
vel = 0,0
accel = 0,0
random = 0,0
removetime = -2
pausemovetime = 0
scale = 0.11,0.11
sprpriority = 2
ontop = 0
shadow = 0,0,0
ownpal = 0
removeongethit = 0
;ignorehitpause =
;trans =
persistent = 0
;supermove = 0
;pausemove = 0
[State 0, Sheath]
type = Explod
trigger1 = animelem = 19
anim = 10000
ID = 10000
pos = 6.667,-70.000
postype = p1 ;p2,front,back,left,right
facing = 1
vfacing = 1
bindtime = 1
vel = 0,0
accel = 0,0
random = 0,0
removetime = -2
pausemovetime = 0
scale = 0.11,0.11
sprpriority = 2
ontop = 0
shadow = 0,0,0
ownpal = 0
removeongethit = 0
;ignorehitpause =
;trans =
persistent = 0
;supermove = 0
;pausemove = 0
[State 0, Helper]
type = Helper
trigger1 = animelem = 11
name = "Dead Spike"
ID = 1010
stateno = 1010
pos = 64,-12
postype = p1 ;p2,front,back,left,right
facing = 1
ownpal = 1
supermovetime = 0
pausemovetime = 0
;size.xscale =
;size.yscale =
;size.ground.back =
;size.ground.front =
;size.air.back =
;size.air.front =
;size.height =
;size.proj.doscale =
;size.head.pos = ,
;size.mid.pos = ,
;size.shadowoffset =
;ignorehitpause =
;persistent =
;[State 0, LifeAdd]
type = LifeAdd
triggerall = var(42) = 0
trigger1 = movecontact
value = 200
kill = 0
absolute = 1
ignorehitpause = 1
persistent = 0
[State 1000, 5]
type = ChangeState
trigger1 = AnimTime = 0
value = 0
ctrl = 1
; Dead Spike (Helper)
; CNS difficulty: easy
[Statedef 1010]
type = S
movetype= A
physics = S
velset = 4,0
sprpriority = 0
anim = 1010
[State 1010, 1]
type = HitDef
trigger1 = !movecontact
attr = S, SP ;Attribute: Standing, Normal Attack
damage = 300, 0 ;Damage that move inflicts, guard damage
animtype = Light ;Animation type: Light, Medium, Heavy, Back (def: Light)
guardflag = MA ;Flags on how move is to be guarded against
hitflag = MAF ;Flags of conditions that move can hit
priority = 3, Hit ;Attack priority: 0 (least) to 7 (most), 4 default
;Hit/Miss/Dodge type (Def: Hit)
pausetime = 0, 8 ;Time attacker pauses, time opponent shakes
sparkno = s1011 ;Spark anim no (Def: set above)
sparkxy = -10, -76 ;X-offset for the "hit spark" rel. to p2,
;Y-offset for the spark rel. to p1
hitsound = 5, 0 ;Sound to play on hit
guardsound = 6, 0 ;Sound to play on guard
ground.type = High ;Type: High, Low, Trip (def: Normal)
ground.slidetime = 2 ;Time that the opponent slides back
ground.hittime = 15 ;Time opponent is in hit state
ground.velocity = -2.5 ;Velocity at which opponent is pushed
airguard.velocity = -1.9,-.8 ;Guard velocity in air (def: (air.xvel*1.5, air.yvel/2))
air.type = High ;Type: High, Low, Trip (def: same as ground.type)
air.velocity = -1.4,-3 ;X-velocity at which opponent is pushed,
;Y-velocity at which opponent is pushed
air.hittime = 12 ;Time before opponent regains control in air
[State 1010, ChangeState]
type = ChangeState
trigger1 = movecontact
value = 1011
ignorehitpause = 1
; Dead Spike (Splash)
[Statedef 1011]
movetype = I
physics = N
velset = 0,0
sprpriority = 2
anim = 1011
[State 0, DestroySelf]
type = DestroySelf
trigger1 = !animtime