My net can't really display any image properly right now so I didn't know what I was getting. I was pretty surprised because the stage actually felt kinda cool.
What were you expecting? Hmm? :NSIS:
- That BGCTRL code for the buildings, i've seen that before. It kinda reminds me of Cosmic Flight by Teros.
I don't know that stage, but I'm guessing it's a good thing 'cuz you said Teros. Honestly, those BGCtrl's were my own coding >_>
- Jesus Christ, that BGM is sex. It kinda reminds me of Tron Legacy ... BRO, REMAKE THE STAGE AND MAKE IT LOOK TRON-ESQUE!!!1!
You liek? :PokeRaep: I guess I could....
but I most probably won't - Buildings could really use some brightening up.
They're fine, it's the dark overlay I added to make the raining environment better.
- Those spotlights with the velocities ... so sexy. (Except when they up.)
Uhhh crap. I noticed the delta problem AFTER I uploaded it. It's fixed now, don't worry MarkPoochi, I fixed it just for you :ILU:
- I personally don't like the glows on the windows. I know you added them to simulate a window look but honestly, they just look like glows. If I were you, i'd edit it more, maybe even add some rain droplet textures, and you can step it up a notch by adding droplet animations. Action Essentials has some, just saying.
Could you make me some? I recently got After Effects (thanks for HungryWolf) but I have no idea how to use it so far :batface:
- To me, the railings are distracting as hell. I think you should just scrap it.
Yeah, I think I might. They were kinda clashy too and the delta didn't go so well with the parallax imo
- I see you've added parallax. I'm not sure if you added the right values, but if you did, kudos to you.
That's actually the exact value Davis used in his stage competition stage
- Some glowing flickers in the train, just for some small details and shit.
Where do you think I should place them? I was considering this too.
- I personally think that the solid black interior of the train clashes with the buildings. You could have used a very dark shade of grey instead.
Good idea. I was also thinking about how to fix this.
- I personally don't like the grey monochrome color scheme of the stage. I think it would look great in blue.
No. Go away. Stawp Mark :cena:
I like the black and white feel to it, especially with how the blur feels all cinematic with the grayscale.
You're welcome to re-color the whole thing if you want though :SureYouDid:
- Since the train is moving, wouldn't it have made sense if the rain was tilted? It gives off a motion effect.
That rain was made by Gen from when I requested him for some rain. The original stage it was meant for (the older concept for this one) was not supposed to be a train stage. But now that you mention would be more logical :P
I'll make new rain with Squirlz unless I can find a AE template for rain :)
- MAJOR GRIPE: Check the deltas of the spotlights. If one character goes off-screen vertically, and there's no buildings to cover the spotlights, it'll just be showing in mid-air.
As I stated before, the delta's were incorrect. I actually copied/pasted from the first version of the stage and forgot to re-edit the deltas. They were 0.4,0.4 when they should be like 0.65,1. I've fixed this already.
Engrish Mark, it's engrish.
- Spoiler:
I'll fix it