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The Mod Guidebook.

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1The Mod Guidebook.  Empty The Mod Guidebook. Fri Mar 01, 2013 5:18 pm



The Mod Guidebook.  OjtZ7W5
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Well, some mods in the past and present have had issues learning to configure the mod tools and how we handle certain situations. So I figured I'd put this here for past mods, present mods and future mods or people curiously seeking a mod position to have a better understanding of how things work around here.


- If you're on a certain topic or at the bottom of the forum category, you'll be able to view an option called "moderate this forum" It'll be a text link. In here as a mod you'll have the option to delete, move, lock, unlock, sticky, announcement and make something special messaged into a normal message.

- Below the "moderate this forum" button are actual forum buttons. The buttons (in order) are: Delete the topic, basket the topic, (if you do this it'll leave a shadow automatically, usually when we send to the bin it's better to do it manually by choosing the board), Move this topic, Lock this topic, Split this topic (splitting allows you to take certain posts from the chosen thread and send them/merge them elsewhere as a new topic. Generally we use this for necrobumps to send to the bin), last is merge topics. Keep in mind, these buttons are only viewable on an actual thread. Not in an entire board.

- There's also a quick mods tool below everything when you're inside the thread as well. This is the same as above just with text rather than buttons and a more convenient use of moderation for certain threads.


As a Global Mod it's up to you to moderate every board assigned to you (in this case it'd be all the boards with "Global Moderator" under them. Global mods have mod access to pretty much every board with the exception of Admin boards.) Your main objective is to keep the boards clean and orderly, make sure everyone's abiding by the rules, and make sure everything stays calm and collected. You're responsible for the members just like an Administrator would be, so make sure you take to the staff threads/boards or even the chat room (if you're an attender) to relay information with the other staff, it's a team effort. Preferably on the forum so everyone can have decision access to it.

If you're a global mod that attends the chat room you have one other responsibility to help to care of the xat chat room. Which is not hard at all. All you must do is make sure every guest that appears receives a member when they change their name accordingly, and you're also in charge of banning/unbanning people that break our Chat Rules.

Also, a small tip for necrobumping. Keep in mind there's some threads that we can let necrobumping take place (if it's logical.) Such as Mugen Screenshots, Mugen Videos, The Wrestling Thread, The Does this exist/who made it thread, any television show (as long as there's a reference and something relevant in the post. Not just something like: "Awesome show!!! YEAH!!") Things like that should be easy to figure out if it's acceptable or not. If you're unsure contact an Admin.

You're also expected to not abuse the power, or let it go to your head. It's just a rank, and you're helping out the forum, you're not above anyone.

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